But, maintenance is the important thing to keep AC in good condition.
So, do not be late to learn the reasons why the conditioner is not cooling the house and how to fix it as soon as possible. .
Due to the fact of dust and dirt, the filter can block and not be able to cool the house. .
Always clean the room and air conditioner's outside unit to remove dirt, dust, or weeds that surrounding the 4.
Due to the motor, the unit is not able to spread the heat. .
By absorbing heat from the outside air, refrigerant leads AC to cool air.
On the other hand, some people buy AC which is not able to keep the in the summer.
To use AC remote, your air conditioning system can change and the temperature can go up or down.
you have to check AC coil.
Be sure you have already read the whole article and realized why the conditioner is not cooling the house and how to fix it. .
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