The version of Engineering Toolbox is intuitive redesign that provides input and output view, method for comparing multiple datasets and additional refrigerant and fluid types.
Beginning in 2023, new extended subscription options will be available for TRACE 700 family of products and Trane Design Tools.
Helps determine the required amount of capacitance for factor correction...
Allows selection of sizes of the interconnecting piping in refrigerant system including suction line, discharge line and liquid line for given system...
Calculates physical properties for eight HVAC fluids...
This electronic version simplifies the manual process of sizing ductwork based on Friction Losses by Darcy and Colebrook Equation...
Calculates physical properties for HVAC refrigerants...
Calculates adjusted fan properties by applying either the 1st or 4th fan law on set of initial and adjusted conditions...
Facilitates quick, conversion between almost every HVAC unit of measure from one system to another...
The ${fileTitle} is part of the ${softwareName} suite.
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