From the dates, durations, and status to the customer, address, crew, and area, you can view all the data associated with the task...
you or your member can change the status from pending to in progress..
By keeping everyone on the team on the same page, It allows you to streamline and optimize how you handle your project, managing expectations, and ensuring everyone knows their role...
projects tend to go more smoothly.
It ensures that the team's goals and objectives stay the same throughout the project and lets you track the progress of tasks in the workflow...
It makes it easier to keep everyone up to date when things change, so you do not have to call hour-long meetings every time you need update on the project or want to let the right teams know about any changes...
From there, you can talk to the teams to find out what's causing the delays and devise plan to fix the problem that's causing them...
The card view makes it easy to see how each crew performs on given task.
Before giving team task, you can set the time and due date.
then you might have member who needs more training, or you might have overestimated the size of your team when you planned your projects...
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