The thickness probe can be monitored on LED for continuity. It's common for it to get false readings if the in not clean or you have problem and high minerals. Also if any cleaning solution is left on it.
Often if someone has replaced the pump with OEM the capacity will be incorrect and make to aggressive flow that will bother Plugged holes or mineral buildup on the plate can also cause problem. .
They are the easiest of any ice machine to troubleshot due to LED set-up. One just has to watch them for cycle or two..
The service manual will give you period for the sensor to not be constant and to have normal cycle for the lockout.
Make sure to read pg 42 on the sensor and spillway. Also make sure that the wire to the sensor is clean and dry. It can also conduct and fool the controller..
I almost forgot, You can use ohmmeter to test the sensor. j10 is the sensor wire and must be open when off. Page 53 in the manual... boodro.
Frequently techs miss the spillway problem. It's the biggest cause of short freeze sensing. The bar and sensor have to be removed to clean the One also has the break down the spray-bar to clean it inside. There is also bulletin out on the spray-bar mount. Mount sagging as I recall. I'll see if I can find it for you..
CO's are far cry from CM's or CME's that were loved for the contour cube they made... fixbear.
I installed the new Harvest silenoid was not sure if I needed to install the bracket it came with or flat against the wall with out the lift bracket...
The shaft that pushes the ice off should be flush to the Not protruding. How thick was the ice bridge This may help... klamath.
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