You've worked hard to help make your business successful, and something as small as frayed electrical cord could turn into large fire and wind up costing your company millions of dollars..
It takes few minutes, and couple of simple questions could help you more review your property, assets, people, and processes to help ensure preventative strategies being followed.
we can provide specific flyers, brochures, and videos on how to handle those topics and more..
of areas you know could use improvement, and areas that may be red flags that need immediate fixes.
Access prevention and checklist sample on mySHIELD®, and reach out to your local marketing representative for more information..
This article is for information and risk prevention only and should not be considered legal or other advice.
The recommendations herein may help reduce, and are not guaranteed to eliminate, any or all risk of loss.
The information herein may be subject to, and is not substitute for, any laws or regulations that may apply.
Through valued insurance products and proven risk management strategies, Federated Insurance offers peace of mind to contractors nationwide.
ACCA's of Federated helps ensure that association members receive personalized service, coverages tailored to their business needs, and assistance with their risk management efforts...
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