if you would like to sweeten the pot with item or two to go along with money and...
I've also noticed that there's people out there who scold you attack you for doing it.
Of course, the other side of the coin reads that we'll always have what we've got. So, lets talk about having system of...
Ladies and gentlemen, that's attempted leak repair using painters tape and cell phone charging cord.
So, you've passed all of HVAC courses and you've got the certificates to do HVAC work.
Now, lets get you decked out with HVAC tools for new technicians.
Despite what the super-techs say, you do not need $10,000 worth of fancy HVAC tools to be...
So, as I look out into my garage at bin overflowing with tools still in the package that I may need one day,..
I've been technician for almost 20 years and I'm going to share with you gifts that I love getting.
Now, let's get you outfitted with the right tools.
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