What makes Giftly for {{giftCardPlace name}} better than {{giftCardPlace name}} card.
Also, your recipient can spend the money at {{giftCardPlace name}} or anywhere they like, and there will never be unused amount leftover...
Gift amount up to $1, where they should use it, for instance at {{giftCardPlace name}}.
Pick from one of our gift patterns, message.
Your recipient will visit Giftly com and choose to have the funds deposited in their bank account, Paypal account or have Visa card mailed to them...
With Giftly you can send money to family and friends, ion to use it at {{giftCardPlace name}}.
We have not been able to confirm whether {{giftCardPlace name}} offers gift cards or gift certificates.
Many businesses do not yet gift cards, and that's when giving gift through Giftly is idea.
Giftly makes it easy to send gift amount to someone with the suggestion to use it at {{giftCardPlace name}}.
we'll refund the full value of your purchase within 90 days of purchase, as long as the gift has not been redeemed ...
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