The HABC Level Award Fire Safety has been accredited by the regulators of England and Wales and is part of Qualifications and Credit Framework.
This requires the responsible person to take reasonable steps to reduce the risk from fire and ensure safe escape for both employees and visitors..
FSO applies to all non-domestic premises England and Wales, including the common parts of blocks of flats and houses multiple occupations..
The law applies to you if you are charity or voluntary organisation contractor with degree of control over any premises providing accommodation for paying guests responsible for business premises employer or self-employed with business premises responsible for part of dwelling where that part is used for business purposes..
Under FSO, the responsible person must carry out safety risk assessment and implement and maintain management plan...
The qualification covers the latest fire safety regulations and the roles and duties of employees and their responsibilities on Fire Safety.
Level Award Fire Safety course is delivered in one day and provides this 'responsible person with knowledge and understanding of the fire risk assessment process and the skills required to undertake suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment..
range of subjects are covered including the hazards and risks associated with fire in the workplace, how fire risk is controlled in the workplac, the role of the nominated fire warden, the principles and practice of fire management at work & much more...
By undertaking more specific fire safety roles in the workplace to manage fire risk, This Fire Safety Training Course is designed for employees.
There are four classes of fire extinguishers A, B, C and D and each class can put out different type of fire.
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