Beyond engaging in the pastime of griping about the thermostat setting, you probably never used to think much about your HVAC system.
In fact, whether HVAC systems are up to the challenge of keeping our office environments safe is one of the most asked questions about our return to campus planning.
including some of the big steps our facilities teams have taken to make the environment safer..
it's worth pointing out that HVAC systems are not our most powerful tools to fight transmission of coronavirus.
Get vaccination and your safety outlook is even better, as CDC is now saying it's OK for vaccinated folks to gather indoors as long as everyone is wearing mask and social distancing.
Now, imagine this all happening in environment which is expected once vaccination rates hit certain threshold Taken together, that starts to make returning to campus look much more comfortable.
This is not to say that HVAC systems ca not still play role, except in the context of all the tools we have to fight transmission, they're more of layer of protection..
This means that air inside the building is pumped out and replaced with all new air drawn from the outside that is then filtered and conditioned.
In some of our buildings, using 100 percent outside air is not possible most times of the year, simply some outside air is always part of the intake mix in every campus building.
The reason is that HVAC building systems are designed to run with the windows closed, and introducing variables, can make their sophisticated ventilation and filtration systems less effective.
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