The standard air filters you can buy at the hardware store, the fiberglass stranded air filters, are the cheapest and most ineffective air filters for removing these particles and odors.
The cheap air filter will remove less than 10 percent of these particles and none of the odors from the air that you breathe.
The best is Electronic Air Cleaner used conjunction with mechanical filtering media and UV air cleaner.
The Electronic Air Cleaner, will ensure the eradication of bacteria, mold, fungi, and mildew.
It's the ultraviolet light that kills these things and is in the return duct near EAC ..
When these two devices, the electronic air cleaner, and the ultraviolet air cleaner, are combined with the mechanical air filter, you can have the assurance that you have the indoor air quality in your dwelling.
UV lights can be installed in your ductwork so that it may wash the air from harmful bio-organisms that live in the air and ductwork of your home or business.
the light penetrates the organism and breaks down its molecular bonds.
o the people occupying the building reporting illness, the power bill for the building saw reduction mildew, and other organisms that tend to grow.
UV light eliminated these restrictions allowing the motors to use power to move the air.
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