In celebration, we're sharing HVAC safety tips to keep your home family safe from electrical fires, injuries, and even death..
In the US alone, there are over 51,000 electrical fires every year, accounting for nearly 500 deaths, over 1,400 injuries, and about $1.3 property damage ..
o preventing electrical problems, your certified HVAC technician will also clean your system and make sure there are no monoxide or refrigerant leaks..
According to ESFI, Sixty-five percent of home fire deaths result from fires in homes with no working smoke detectors...
Do not forget to practice your escape plan and make any adjustments to make it as safe and foolproof as possible. 4.
cooling, and equipment, it's time to have the talk..
Conduct basic inspection of your electrical cords, plug, outlets, and switches..
get adult to contact the electrical company..
Mark off 3 feet around any open fires and HVAC equipment and teach children to always avoid these areas..
We want your home family to be safe from electrical and HVAC dangers.
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