Scott Oldford, founder of The Oldford Company, is Advisor & Investor with 15 years of experience helping entrepreneurs scale businesses. getty.
few years ago, my calendar was awash with blue events, most of.
On the contrary, my conversion rates have improved, the alignment with those I work with has improved and the various businesses I'm involved with have scaled to exciting new levels..
Most of the time, they begin with text that says • Would you like to catch up. • I have I'd like to share with you. • Let's figure out the next steps on quick call. • I have new program I think you might like..
So, you jump on quick call, and it often overruns and does not end up being that quick — taking you out of your zone, sapping you of focus and emptying your energy reserves.
Worse, I felt miserable because I had no time to think, reflect, strategize or tap into my vision.
the reasons you'll have them and why you're getting rid of them — you can even direct them to this article..
Think about how long they should last, what day of the week, and how many are too many.
I do not take phone calls because it's not good use of my focus and instead ask them to explain what they need via text or audio message..
offer or investment opportunity via text, they would likely waste mine and their time over the phone..
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