set it to automatically lower the temperature when you're typically out of your home and overnight..
During the daytime, consider turning your thermostat down couple of degrees and bundle up with blanket, thick socks, and sweater to make this option.
Take this hack further by setting your fridge to 38°F and your freezer between zero and 5°F to keep your fresh and not overly cold..
Check that the seals on your windows, doors, fridge, and freezer are well sealed forcing your HVAC system to work harder to keep your home comfortable.
Have your furnace and fireplace serviced by HVAC professional to keep them running optimally for your safety and your energy efficiency..
Many water heaters are set to 140°F as default, and lowering your temperature to 120°F can save you chunk of energy usage. .
Opt for energy-efficient appliances, like Energy Star-labeled dishwashers, water heaters, HVAC systems, fridges, dehumidifiers, washers, and dryers. .
Alora Bopray is digital content producer for the home warranty, HVAC, and plumbing categories at Today's Homeowner.
Alora wrote as writer for dozens of home improvement clients and informed homeowners about the industry as writer for EcoWatch.
alumna of University of Pennsylvania, Roxanne is now Oklahoma, DIY enthusiast, and the proud parent of playful pug...
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