few years ago it was rare that I got email asking the question about how inverters work and now I have noticed the question coming more and more so I wanted to write article to explain how inverters work..
Inverters are used in air conditioning to modulate compressors and fan motors from 100% down to minimum of 20%.
DC power can then use pulse-width-modulation of DC current to change the frequency after DC current is run through inverter changing DC into AC power once again.
By the motor the speed can be changed thereby allowing the compressor and any other motor utilizing inverter to be modulated from minimum speed to maximum speed, By changing the frequency of AC power being used..
The minimum is 10 to 20 percent and the maximum is 100 percent of the motors rated RPMs.
It's possible to run the motor over 100% of RPM's however, the factor of the motor should never be exceeded.
Having the ability to modulate the system one can see the advantages of having demand-based system that uses the amount of energy needed to get the job done..
Also added to this efficiency is the ability to soft start compressors and fan motors eliminating Locked Rotor Amps of motor overcoming the initial resistance of going from dead stop to 100% in split second.
By modulating the system based on load or demand the conditioner or heat pump will run longer, By eliminating LRA or Locked Rotor Amps and.
I can surmise and HVAC thermostat is part of the control as we need to know when to modulate the compressor and the motor down to RPM or speed based on demand.
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