I needed method to remove the gas cap without damaging my lawnmower or gas tank.
Here's what I came up with to remove the stuck gas cap that I will repeat if it ever happens again..
The plastic screw-type, screw-type gas cap that was attached to my lawnmower was threaded cap that attaches to tank.
To protect the cap and increase grip, shop rag is option.
Once you have the tools, it's time to use method to remove the stuck gas cap.
Pipe grips can give you lot more leverage, and it also increases the chance that you might damage something..
I've found that applying downwards force while loosening the cap is enough to remove the stuck gas cap.
you'll be over-tightening the cap heading towards problem..
then it's common for the plastic of the tank and cap to expand just enough to cause the cap to become stuck..
I've found that the pressure will become neutral, and the cap will come off without problem..
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