Roei Friedberg is CEO of Aura Americas, the purification company offering solutions that make air clean and safe..
their productivity can rise and bring the company's growth forward.
It's no wonder that lighting is one of the biggest influencers of performance, happiness and well-being, 601 North American workers ..
With most Americans spending up to 90% of their time indoors and many workers now heading back to environment, indoor air quality could help maintain productive workspace, and foster sense of security during these times..
Chan School of Public Health found that air quality can have significant impacts on employees function, including response times and ability to focus, and it may also affect their productivity..
weather conditions or outdoor air pollution, you can consider investing in filtration system This can help you monitor your indoor air quality and purify the space accordingly..
You can even hold steps challenges, encourage teamwork and reward the department with wellness-related prizes such as fitness classes, meal-plan delivery services and paid time off.
Also, it's crucial to set example as CEO, so try to take walking breaks throughout the day, for example.
strategy firm experimented with mandatory scheduled vacations and benefited from 33% increase creativity, 25% increase happiness levels and 13% rise in productivity..
By keeping your eyes and ears open to research and in the field, you can avoid unexpected factors that compromise your organization and instead bring its business growth to its fullest potential..
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