The efficiency of the heat pump translates to utility bills and source emissions, and electricity rates, natural gas rates, and emissions from electricity will vary by location, each project to get accurate picture of the benefits and costs...
That is why the payback for new heat pump can be including the climate and the relative prices of electricity and gas, said Lipscomb...
The payback can also depend on the construction and usage, said Tim Brizendine, director of management at Lennox...
For example, replacing 80% gas furnace that runs on propane with high-efficiency heat pump in climate with electricity rates can have quick payback, while replacing high-efficiency gas furnace with efficiency heat pump in climate with low natural gas costs and above-average electricity costs will net poor payback, ..
That is why people may perceive the furnace even if the two different systems conditioning the home to the exact same temperature, said Lipscomb..
Reding said that for homes in which conditioner is being replaced with heat pump, dehumidification effects should be close, provided the coil of heat pump is of similar size and depth of the coil being replaced and the airflows and cooling capacity are similar...
it will be oversized for cooling, so the unit will cycle on and off for very short amounts of in cooling mode...
This is scenario and more often than not, there is tendency to use rules of thumb to size.
homeowners should consider dual fuel heat pump to avoid reliance on electric resistance backup heating.
Between the inefficiency and the leak, the climate effect of our heat pump conversion has so far been about the same as putting car on the road for year, ..
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