So, I've been feeling like new narrative needs to be created around the topic of change — one that makes change easier and happier for business leaders to navigate, as it's something organizations can count on happening..
I've written two books on the topic of change and created 10 points of change that I use in my own life and in my practice as life coach.
As I said, change is happening all around us all the time, so it's to your advantage to know how to navigate it to the best of your abilities..
be true to your values, confront your recurring thoughts about your business or industry norms, and seek ways to challenge that orthodoxy to look at your in fresh, new way. 2.
You know it and, well, you are not going in reverse either.
One of the reasons why people resist change is because, much of the time, they are unsure or even fearful of what will happen as result of the change.
remember, again, it starts with you. 7.
For example, I worked with one client who wanted to change jobs and was afraid of losing seniority and host of things that go along with being at job for more than 15 years.
It's important to align your heart, truths and energy to find success in all areas of your life.
By having vision for the company, Leaders can navigate change, 's change goals, investing in their people, seeking their input on how to achieve them with confidence and assuring the team that greater growth both for the company and themselves lies ahead..
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