CoilShot® and tablet system make cleaning condenser coils faster and easier than ever before. The unit connects to garden hose and uses single pre-measured tablet to apply foaming cleaner directly to coils.
CoilShot® cleaner is redefining the cleaner market.
This powerful coil cleaning tool uses revolutionary tablet-based system that's easier to carry, prevents wasted cleaner and eliminates guesswork just one pack of tablets replace entire case of cleaner.
CoilShot® tool is designed to propel deep into coils for better, more superior clean in just fraction of the time.
CoilShot system uses combination of water pressure and flow AND tablet to clean coils better and faster.
The combination of water flow and pressure help to dislodge materials from deep within the coil without using excessive amount of chemical, while the tablet provides the performance to aid in cleaning coils. ...
CoilShot allows you to put the power of pressurized water right on the coil without damaging it, so spraying the coil with water first will dislodge much of the dirt.
turn the dial to the desired level of foaming action.
The answer to this question depends on the size of the coil and how dirty the coil is.
The flow rate of the garden hose is unchanged through the gun...
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