These delivery methods, based on ASHRAE 2020 Handbook, Equipment, and HVAC Systems, Chapter, Figure 1.
Historically, training, O&M manuals, and warranties are part of the contractor's close out phase as the job nears its end.
In the preconstruction phase, which begins soon the equipment submittals begin to come in from manufacturers.
HVAC contractor and design engineer, in that order, are required to review and approve submittals for the project based on the contract documents .
The warranty documents do not show up on the desk until the job is completed, and, often, equipment warranties may not even make that submission..
So, why do contractors wait until the very end, when the close out process can begin after HVAC equipment submittals are approved in the phase.
Not always specified by others, I would always require each manufacturer to fill in PM work template that included space for special instructions, tools to bring, tasks, and frequency needed to maintain the equipment throughout the year..
Training schedule, along with agenda via PowerPoint, that includes prerequisites the facility staff had to read review the approved, O&M manual, etc in advance of training that may occur on-site, in the classroom, and or require trip to the factory..
Warranty document with the start date left blank until the client accepts the project and or equipment...
Unlike D-B-B, CM, D-B, and IPD project delivery methods offer the best means to begin to close out the project at the start, design team, and team are far better than D-B-B...
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