By those without the right connections, These are the children of famous parents.
For budding jewelers and dealers, here's how to get your foot in the door of the diamond industry 1 Be passionate about the business...
In order to stand out from the crowd of young entrepreneurs who are also looking to establish themselves, you must put effort into learning about all aspects of the business, including things like pricing, grading, the certification process and stone characteristics..
The industry is not just about handling beautiful stones, it also requires understanding about regulatory processes, legal practices, the supply chain, financial demands and market trends — the list is endless.
Therefore, your best chance of getting work experience is to visit the store and ask to speak to the owner or manager.
With face-to-face interactions, you can let your passion and enthusiasm shine through in ways that are missed if you just send in CV and cover letter..
Bosses are looking for people who exhibit willingness to listen and learn, this is to ask your boss to act as your mentor..
Do not be afraid to seek out advice from industry professionals, most are only too willing to pass on what they have learned to younger generations. 3 The importance of building and networking..
Invite me to any precious stone event anywhere in the world and it's guaranteed that I will know half, if not all the in the room.
Being in the industry means keeping eye on new trends, developments or advancements technology and applying them to your own business and career journey.
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