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By range of factors emotions, People are motivated to act, social pressure, and more..
Incentive theory suggests that one of the reasons people act is for reinforcement, in the form of gaining rewards or avoiding penalties..
In the course of your job, you'll enjoy several rewards, from compensation like paycheck and benefits to perks like recognition for your efforts, raises, promotions, and awards.
To celebrate, you might visit your coffee shop for tasty latte or chai. you could choose lunch spot for the team.
It reinforces the value of your efforts and also helps you to relieve stress, reboot, and return to work with renewed energy that drives productivity..
consider how you might make the process more fun.
You could, for example, use color coding with markers, or digital highlighters.
As bonus, you'll feel the glow of satisfaction at what you've accomplished..
Book yourself massage, plan hiking or camping trip with friends, or cancel your weekend plans to stay in and play video games.
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