I did not even realize what I was getting into — I just knew it was organization that did training and certification for people in heating and air conditioning and they needed someone to answer the phones.
I started to dig in and learn about what was happening, why it was important, and what the depth and scope of this industry was.
I began reading books published by the organization, attending industry events, and just continued to grow in both my knowledge and passion for wanting to be part of helping this industry to grow and flourish..
While much has changed over the I have been involved in the industry, and women are starting to take foothold and gain respect in the industry, there is still stereotyping and undermining happening.
While there is no one answer, we must keep spreading the word, keep sharing stories, keep supporting and bringing to light that HVACR industry is for everyone and that there are ample opportunities, at trade associations, marketing, of course, and sales, we need more technicians..
To increase the number of in the industry, we have to gain more respect as industry as whole.
we will start to gain more interest from all groups at all levels..
I manage awesome and dedicated office staff and work with team of technical developers and industry leaders.
Together we work to build partnerships, write contracts, explore opportunities, keep up with industry news, guide development of products and services, put finishing touches on publications, design marketing pieces, and so much more..
We need to get contractors more involved with the local programs to help guide the instructors and administrators in what real-world skills are needed in these programs.
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