Organizational Affiliations Achievements Awards ASHRAE BCxA member, board member, and co-chair of its annual conference vice chair for LP-14, IES Standard for.
Sequences of Operation for Lighting Control Systems, the lighting controls equivalent of ASHRAE Guideline 36P Techbridge Role Model of Year, 2009 founding Techbridge board member and former advisory council member and Girls Inc.
Thinking back, the light could have been the bulb over the workbench, and the angels could have been the lawnmower, and, to me, it was transcendent experience...
Realizing that all the folks who have supported me and that the years of hard work and persistence bearing fruit..
Only by recognizing the ways that I am suited to being engineer have I come to accept that I do belong, even.
By recruiting women from different backgrounds and fixing the pipeline, First, we must increase the number of women coming in, and, second, we must retain the women.
I work with our trade partners to install, startup, program, integrate, and test building systems, so they perform and the design allows.
Liz Fischer, the director of BCxA, for being in authority and how she wields power to push BCxA in better direction..
Pat McDowell and Victoria Julian for showing me that being technical woman construction is the most normal thing on the planet and is nothing I need to apologize for my husband, Ron, for helping to understand the interpersonal side of things and Lynn Putnam and Sarwan Wason for teaching me important lessons about the business side of engineering..
When something goes wrong, tell yourself it's all part of the story to help you take the judgement out of it and help you move through it into creating Persistence is the productive side of stubborn.
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